1. I acknowledge and agree that enrolment for EduVison online/onsite course are not accepted without payment.
2. I understand that payment is required in full in advance for EduVison online/onsite course and consent to sending full payment prior to my child commencing with EduVision.
3. I understand that re-enrolment from one term to the next is an automatic process and students will be enrolled in their online/onsite course before the start date.
4. Refunds for term courses: I acknowledge and agree that a refund will only be given if I disenrol by the end of week 2 of the term. EduVision will charge an administration fee of $50.00 per class for processing any refund. Payment made for all unattended classes will be refunded, minus the administration fee. There will be no refund or credit provided from week 3 onwards. 
5. Refunds for holiday courses: I acknowledge and agree that a refund will only be given if I disenrol by the end of week 10 of the preceding term (before the holidays begin). EduVision will charge an administration fee of $50.00 per class for processing any refund. There will be no refund or credit provided once the holidays begin.
6. Refunds for all internal and external exams: I acknowledge that a refund will be given if I choose to disenrol from any internal or external exam (such as ICAS). EduVision will charge an administration fee of $30.00 per exam for processing the refund.  Payment made for all unattended exams will be refunded, minus the administration fee.
7. I acknowledge and agree that there are no refunds or credits if a student misses a lesson for personal reasons. However, EduVision will make every effort to offer you an online/onsite make-up session.
8. I acknowledge and agree that EduVision Pty Ltd, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excludes all liability for any loss, damage or other claim arising from or in any way connected to the attendance of my child/children at EduVision Pty Ltd, including without limitation claims relating to personal injury, accidents, illnesses, death.
9. I acknowledge that any material submitted to EduVision by my child will be considered as intellectual property of EduVision that we may utilise for marketing purposes. 
10. I understand that all learning materials purchased from EduVision are the intellectual property of EduVision and are not to be copied, re-sold, or redistributed to any persons without EduVission's consent.
11. I hereby release and forever discharge EduVision Pty Ltd from all liability, loss and damage (including direct, indirect and consequential) or any other claim in anyway associated with the attendance of my child/children at EduVision Pty Ltd for the online/onsite course.
12. In case of my child/children's accidental injury or incident, I authorise any necessary medical treatment and agree to compensate EduVision for any medical expenses incurred.
13. I acknowledge and agree to provide EduVision with details of my child/children’s medical conditions and/or illnesses that require medical treatment. EduVision is able to only provide non-medical assistance and I am responsible for any medical expenses incurred by EduVision as a result of my child/children's medical condition and/or illness.
14. I understand that my child/children are only supervised by EduVision tutors during their online/onsite lessons.
15. I understand that as a parent/guardian, I am required to supervise my child/children before and after their lesson.
16. In any case where I am not present, I remain responsible for the health, safety, and wellbeing of my child/children before and after their lesson.
17. I accept that EduVision reserves the right to refuse admission to any person that presents a disciplinary problem to staff or a threat to the safety and well-being of staff and other children. Unacceptable language or bullying will under no circumstances be tolerated and will result in the person being removed from the premises. 
18. EduVision expects appropriate and positive behaviour from its students at all times. When these expectations are not met, I accept that EduVision will discuss behaviour issues with the parent/guardian. If inappropriate behaviour continues and poses threat, harm or continued disruption to others, the student will be asked to leave the program. 
19. I acknowledge and agree that my personal information will be stored in accordance with current privacy legislation.
20. I acknowledge and agree that photographs and video footage of my child/children made during class may be used for internal training purposes and for promotional publications including, but not limited to use on the EduVision Pty Ltd website and social media pages, newspapers, brochures, radio and/or television.
21. I understand that it is my responsibility to contact Administration if I do not permit EduVision to use photographs or video footage of my child/children.
22. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify EduVision of any changes in my personal circumstances regarding family court dealing such as parenting orders, AVO/ADVO conditions etc.

Please Note:
These terms and conditions may be varied from time to time.